question 1

Analyze the following quote from the text: "Blaming the victim is arrived at subconsiciously as a compromise that apparently satisfies both is self-interest and his charitable concerns." (p696) What does the author mean by this? Do you agree/disagree? Use the direct examples from the book to explain and/or your own personal experiences/viewpoints.

I think what the author means by this is instead of helping less fortunate people, people just blame the less fortunate person in order to feel better about themselves. Like instead of volunteering at a soup kitchen someone might say "oh, it's so and sos fault that they are poor, maybe if they tried harder in life then they wouldn't be poor." I think I agree that this is what people do but i don't think its the right way to confront the poor issue. You can't just shrug someone off and blame someone when they need your help, because you would probably want their help if you were in their position. I don't think this will ever change though because most people that are poor i would think it's probably their fault and people are too greedy and value money way to much to considerably help someone else.

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