Then Came the War

So another random turning of the pages in my book landed me on page 407 with an article named 'Then came the war', a story about the discrimination of Japanese Americans after the attack on Pearl Harbor. It was interesting to read about it from the viewpoint of someone who went through it, before this I've only heard about the Japanese concentration camps briefly in history class. Even the author points out that these camps weren't comparable to the death camps in Europe but still horrible in my opinion because they were on our homeland our great country was the creator of these camps, obviously a dark spot in our history, and probably a reason why I didn't learn about it much in school.
I think it's pretty stupid what this girl and all the other Japanese American people had to go through when they did nothing wrong. She couldn't hold jobs for more than a day because someone would have a problem with her being Japanese. This is another good example of how stupid racism is and it's good because it's not as serious as some other incidents but more serious than others, and its a different side of the story. Most of the stories you hear are about black people being discriminated against but this gave you a different account of the harshness of racism and it makes you think how can someone be this stupid to discriminate someone due to the ethnicity.


Imagine A Country --- 2006

So I didn't know what I should write my last to blogs about so I decided I would just flip to two different random points in the book and read those articles and state my opinion on them. So my first random pick landed me on page 329 with a article entitled ' Imagine A Country---2006'. It only took reading the first paragraph to realize that this article was about the United States and reading the second paragraph to realize there was going to be a lot of interesting information brought up regarding it. Economics, demographics, unemployment rates, national figures and lots more of interesting yet equally horrifying data was presented.
For instance, did you know that "In 2005, CEOs made 352 times the pay of average workers." That's not even the worst of some of these figures, it just shows how greedy and ignorant people are. It's just hard to digest when you want to believe you live in a country where people have freedom and equality and then you read data like this. The author would state a couple bad things then follow it by saying "It's not... Japan...England, etc" it was pretty obvious what was coming at the end... "It's not Russia, It's the United States."
Well, most of these statements are pretty appalling but all it is, is bad stuff. What I mean to say is obviously if someone rants on with five pages of how much of an ass someone is, then your probably going to be like wow that person is an ass. The author states a lot bad and some of the bad is just down right awful but, the author doesn't state any good to counteract the good. I'm willing to believe that someone could write an article of equal length pointing out the flaws of other countries and the benefits of living in the United States, or at least I hope they could. So basically, I agree that these facts are appalling and something needs to be done about them but also think that you're probably going to be worse off somewhere else.